7 jun 2009

True Blood

I HATE talking with you sometimes... xD... You make my head roll and roll...

Yep, the books of True Blood were written before Twilight, I'm sorry Stephanie ^^. And yes, I can't do anything, for God's sake...

You don't know how I feel... How would you feel if through all your life you had discovered that you can't do anything properly? That all your friends can do all the things that you ever wanted to do?

You make efforts every fucking day, but then, you are in the same point. In the same fucking point. When I was younger, a little kid, I tried to draw a lot, trying to draw Goku, Optimus Prime and, of course, a lot of simple draws... But I couldn't do it. It's my damn curse I think.
You can draw a bit, you can also write, and of course, act. And I'm pretty sure that you can do many things too. But please, put yourself in my side. All your life, a failure after a failure, always the same shit... Until at a point, you are tired of this, plain and simple, you feel tired...

I hate this, I hate myself. I can't do a fucking thing. You say I can write, yeah. Yes, I can get some words and put them together, EVERYBODY can do that. If can't even write about my fucking stories, how could I write about Peace and those Beautiful things?

I just can play games and study something, what else can I do? Nothing

I just want you to come up here and tell me what can I do. Just that... I'm not useful for the world, you know me, you know that I can't do a fucking thing properly. I fail at all that I try to do. Or maybe, if you could take this fucking feeling that I have, I would be very happy.

People tell me that I have higher capacities than the other. Well, I think that they tell me that because I've got a big cock, 'cause I can't see the rest of the higher capacities... Just tell me what can I do... Just that...

1 comentario:

Trecnofobia dijo...

You can do all you want...
puedes hacer todo lo que te propongas. Nadie puede ponerte barreras, pero ¿Qué importa? Si te las pones tú mismo. Puedes dibujar, cantar, escribir, actuar y todo lo que quieras y lo que te llene...
¿Sabes? Por no tener una "capacidad" artística no eres peor persona, aún así, la tienes.