14 ago 2009



That's a good word, pick "Fuck" (The Greatest Word EVAH) and Shit (a quite good word) and put them together.

I don't know how to explain this... But obvioulsy, I'm not in.
I'm not here with you all. Maybe this is not my FUCKING world (I love that word). Maybe my soul was the original soul of an American or Japanese boy, and in a twist of fate, it came to this body. Now I don't know what to think about you, maybe I miss you. So much. I want to sleep for a long time. Just some weeks. 'Til the classes start. Then, maybe all will turn into its normal state. I don't wanna know at all... Also I want to go out of here. Out of your lives. Only for some days... I don't feel really good when I'm surrounded by you all. Or even I'd like to take some magical drink which could erase my memories. And start all over. Some days, some months, don't know how much of my memories I want to erase.

As the great Serj Tankian, and of course, all the S.O.A.D group says:

I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I, don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you.

Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells are ringning as I'm writing this with all the other instruments, sure. It's a very strange piece of "instrumental rock". It's starts with a so magical way, known by all 'cause it's the OST of "The Exorcist", but this sound follows a weird way. Like the Milky Way above our heads, changes, so dramatically. The tears are filled with fear, like that group, with that incredible song, Mad World.

Duquesa is not sleeping. She's watching me, getting closer to me, licking my tears. She is trying to protect me. She knows that I'm worried, and she's worried about me because of that. She's really one of my true friends, she has been here with me since I can remember. She must sleep.

Where is my WORLD? Will I find it? I need it. I need it NOW. I need to be in that WORLD, filled with manga, anime, videogames, books, physics and more with you all. In its counterside, it's this WORLD. So cruel.

Now, the Colour of Magic is calling me. Ricenwind misses me, Dosflores too.

Goodbye, we'll talk later.

1 comentario:

Dasha dijo...

luis :)
desde que volvi de berlin he desconectado un poco de todo lo que rodea al blog, él también merece unas vacaciones. Pero me arrepiento de no haber leido antes esta entrada, porque lo que te escriba aqui te lo podia haber dicho en persona :(
mira no quiero que te rayes mas con lo que hablamos el otro día. Una vez vale, pero no te puedes amargar el verano pensando esas cosas que sabes de sobra que no tienen ningñun fundamento.
Desde que te conocí has estado escuchándome, y me has aguantado cuando tenía que desahogarme con alguien, y me dá mucha rabia que alguien que ha hecho eso por mí (que es mucho mas de lo que imaginas) pueda sentirse mal por algo tan tonto.
Quiero que te quede bien clarito que ESTE es tu mundo, que no eres ni un japonés, ni un americano, ni un chino, ni un perro, ni un gato reencarnado en la piel de luis (a esa gente no les mola Angelina Jolie, y ella .... ni se dija en ellos :P)
animate bobooo.....que te queremos un monton vale??
(ala....te sigo dando el coñazo pr skype)